What is Painful Bladder Syndrome?
– It is a condition rarely seen in men.
– Primarily affects young and middle-aged women.
– It is not a life-threatening disease but significantly reduces the quality of life.
What are the Symptoms of Painful Bladder Syndrome?
– In its mild form, discomfort in the pelvis area, particularly in the bladder and uterus regions.
– Pain and discomfort between the anus and the external urinary opening.
– Fear of pain as the bladder fills with urine.
– Some patients may need to urinate 60-70 times a day.
How Do We Treat Painful Bladder Syndrome?
– There are no specific radiological tests for diagnosing this disease.
– Diagnosis and treatment are provided by an experienced urologist through cystoscopy under anesthesia. With cystoscopy, the inner surface of the bladder can be fully visualized, allowing a definitive assessment of the disease’s progression. The condition of the bladder’s volume and surface helps guide future treatment.
– In 80% of these patients, the cause is Hunner’s Ulcer/Lesion. The experience of the surgeon performing the procedure is crucial for recognizing this condition.
Important Notes:
– We eliminate the causative lesions of the disease with cystoscopy performed under general anesthesia, thereby resolving the condition.
– For patients who do not respond to all other treatments, bladder removal surgery should be considered as a last resort.
– For patients with unremitting Painful Bladder Syndrome, bladder removal is the final option.