Cystoscopy is a commonly used procedure by experienced urologists to diagnose, monitor and treat urological problems. The meaning of word “Csytoscopy” means to examine the inside lining of the bladder and urethra by a camera.
A cystoscope which is a long, flexible tube with a lens, is inserted into the urethra (for both men and women) and moved up to the bladder to investigate the causes of signs and symptoms.
Some problems of the urinary tract that are diagnosed during csytoscopy and treated are as follows:
Narrowing (sitricture) of the urethra (outer urine channel in the penis),
Urethral tumors,
Bladder tumors,
Bladder stones,
Damages and scarring caused by frequent urinary tract infections
Bladder injury due to interstitial cystitis (which is a chronic condition with pain). During cystoscopy we can measure the capacity of bladder, can diagnose “hunner ulcus” which is found in %25 of patients and destruction of this lesion is possibe during cystoscopy
Long lasting cystitis, especially affecting women with young or mid age. We diagnose the leukoplakia areas in the bladder due to chronic cystitis by using cystoscopy This areas harbour bacteria nd antibiotics can not reach to bacteria because of leukoplakias, so we destroy by fulgurating this areas and solve the chronic cystitis during cystoscopy
Enlarged prostate positioned below the bladder and blocking the flow of urine out of bladder (this is the reason for men to have trouble peeing).
Hematuria (blood in urine): When there is blood in urine the examinations with some tools such as Ultrasound, MR, CT… may not help to find out the origin of the problem. In such cases we use cystoscopy to examine bladder and the colour of the blood coming from kidneys. Cystoscopy is a widely used method for this purpose. Cystoscopy is usually done during general anesthesia in the hospital.
Follow up of the bladder cancer patients: If the case is low grade non-invasive (not deepened on the bladder wall as we say pta Low Grade TCC bladder tumors, patients have the follow up cystoscopy each 3 month under general anesthesia, besides if a new tumor growing is diagnosed at the cystoscopy it can be fulgurated, but if the case is high risky bladder cancer, the follow up cystoscopy is done every 3 month intervals and it is need to remove tissue samples for further examinations (called biopsy).
Difficulty in Voiding in Young Male and Surgical Treatment
Chronic Cystitis Treatment: Bladder Fulguration
This patient is 27 years old female; her main complaint was Chronic Urinary Infection since childhood, her complaints was aggrevated after marriage, Urinary System Ultrasound was normal, she had several urine cultures with bacterial growth. We performed Cystoscopic exam under general anestesia and we found severeal Loge.
In Chronic Cystitis antibiotics can not result the targets because of bacteria is hidden in this areas, so we are dostroying this areas by fulguration. This technique is the only solution of Chronic Cystitis.